For others like me in the UK florist industry, deeply moved by recent events and campaigning, here is a small list of flower-led links either featuring inspiring black business owners to follow, sharing examples of florists who are taking action in support of Black Lives Matter, or offering more reads on anti-racism from fellow flower people.
This is about long-term change. This list is too short and I would like it to grow. If you have more to add, please share and tag #diversityinfloristry
Interviews with people to follow
Sage Flowers are building a directory of POC florists and flower companies in the UK, see it here. They've been actively campaigning for the cause, and held panel conversations with leading industry people: Part 1 | Part 2
An interview with iconic LA floral designer Maurice Harris of Bloom & Plume, make sure you follow him on IG if you don’t already, @bloomandplume.
Another recent interview with Maurice Harris, covering business, Instagram and his new coffee shop.
Lovely London florist Hazel Gardiner, @hazelgardinerdesign, talks wellbeing, dried flowers and more in an IG video interview with Maggie, @ragandbonemanvintage, a Berlin-based flower stylist and mental health advocate.
An interview about wellbeing and plants with Gynelle Leon, founder of Prick, London’s first cactus shop, @prickldn.
Others taking action and sharing resources
Wildflower Florist in Newcastle is pledging to make a donation to charities fighting for equality and against racism, @wildflower_ouseburn:
Today plant writer Alice Vincent shared this moving post feat. flowers and civil rights, and yesterday a beautifully written newsletter about rain, racism and privilege; it includes links for anti-racism resources. Follow her at @noughticulture.
Online flower company Bloom & Wild has set out actionable ways it commits to make changes in support of Black Lives Matter.
Bread and Roses is a social enterprise supporting refugees to rebuild their lives in the UK through flowers. The charity supports refugees and asylum seekers from diverse backgrounds, and their #blackouttuesday post shared further resources for learning and being anti-racist, @wearebreadandroses.
Scotland-based Sian Swinton Florist, @sianswintonflorist, has been actively posting links to anti-racism resources on her business social feeds.
Images: Instagram @prickldn; Annie Spratt on Unsplash